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Super-Resolution Axial Imaging for Quantifying Piconewton Traction Forces in Live-cells

Authors Wang DX, Kong DM, Enderlein J, Chen T Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2024.10.01.615997. Abstract Cell mechanics play a pivotal role in regulating numerous biological processes. While super-resolution microscopy enables the imaging of cellular forces in the lateral dimension with sub-10-nanometer resolution, achieving comparable resolution along the axial dimension remains
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Measuring 3-dimensional dynamics of membrane in living cell with metal-induced energy transfer imaging/spectroscopy

Authors Chen T, Gallea JI, Karedla N, Wang D, Enderlein J Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2024.09.27.614973. Abstract The dynamics of cellular membranes are crucial for many essential cellular processes. Despite various methods available to study membrane dynamics, simultaneously measuring membrane diffusion and fluctuations within living cell membranes remains challenging. In
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PHluorin-conjugated secondary nanobodies as a tool for measuring synaptic vesicle exo- and endocytosis

Authors Georgiev SV, Rizzoli SO Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2024.09.23.614406. Abstract Neuronal communication relies on synaptic vesicle recycling, which has long been investigated by live imaging approaches. Synapto-pHluorins, genetically encoded reporters that incorporate a pH-sensitive variant of GFP within the lumen of the synaptic vesicle, have been especially popular. However,
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The epitranscriptomic m6A RNA modification modulates synaptic function in ageing and in a mouse model of synucleinopathy

Authors Chopra A, Xylaki M, Yin F, Castro-Hernández R, Merghani M, Grande V, Mollenhauer B, Fischer A, Outeiro TF Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2024.09.12.612649. Abstract N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is the most abundant and conserved transcriptional modification in eukaryotic RNA, regulating RNA fate. While the functions of m6A in the development of
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Chemical crosslinking extends and complements UV crosslinking in analysis of RNA/DNA nucleic acid–protein interaction sites by mass spectrometry

Authors Welp LM, Sachsenberg T, Wulf A, Chernev A, Horokhovskyi Y, Neumann P, Pašen M, Siraj A, Raabe M, Johannsson S, Schmitzova J, Netz E, Pfeuffer J, He Y, Fritzemeier K, Delanghe B, Viner R, Vos SM, Cramer P, Ficner R, Liepe J, Kohlbacher O, Urlaub H Journal BioRxiv Citation
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Scattering-Based Super-Resolution Optical Fluctuation Imaging

Authors Yudovich S, Posnjak G, Shani L, Teblum E, Liedl T, Enderlein J, Weiss S Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2024.09.02.610873. Abstract Super-resolution optical imaging has become a prominent tool in life and material sciences, allowing one to decipher structures at increasingly greater spatial detail. Among the utilized techniques in this
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The lincRNA Pantr1 is a FOXG1 target gene conferring site-specific chromatin binding of FOXG1

Authors Gather F, Rauleac T, Akol I, Arumugam G, Fullio CL, Müller T, Kleidonas D, Fischer A, Vlachos A, Backofen R, Vogel T Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2024.08.29.610239. Abstract Derailed gene expression programs within the developing nervous system, encompassing both transcriptional and posttranscriptional processes, can cause diverse neurodevelopmental diseases (NDD).
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The amyloid oligomer modulator anle138b has disease modifying effects in a human IAPP transgenic mouse model of type 2 diabetes mellitus (hIAPP Ob/Ob mice)

Authors Albariqi MMA, Baauw SMG, Fens SPJP, Versteeg S, Ryazanov S, Leonov A, Willemen HLDM, Stathonikos N, Seychell RM, El Saghir A, Gerritsen B, Khemtemourian L, Vassallo N, Giese A, Eijkelkamp N, Griesinger C, Höppener JWM Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2024.08.27.609850. Abstract Cytotoxic aggregates of human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP)
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Mechanism of Co-Transcriptional Cap-Snatching by Influenza Polymerase

Authors Rotsch AH, Li D, Dupont M, Krischuns T, Oberthuer C, Stelfox A, Lukarska M, Fianu I, Lidschreiber M, Naffakh N, Dienemann C, Cusack S, Cramer P Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2024.08.11.607481. Abstract Influenza virus mRNA is stable and competent for nuclear export and translation because it receives a 5′
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Highly adaptable deep-learning platform for automated detection and analysis of vesicle exocytosis

Authors Chouaib AA, Chang HF, Khamis OM, Echeverry S, Demeersseman L, Elizarova S, Daniel JA, Valitutti S, Barg S, Pape C, Shaib AH, Becherer U Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2024.08.02.606323. Abstract Vesicle exocytosis is a fundamental component of intercellular communication, in all organisms. It has been studied for decades, using
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