Application Specialists

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Focused Experimental And Theoretical Expertise

The application specialists of the MBExC extend experimental and theoretical expertise of central importance to MBExC (Computational Modelling and Advanced Data Analysis, Electron Microscopy, Stem Cells and Organoids, Optogenetics) and enable integrative research across the MBExC groups. They also teach courses within the Hertha Sponer College of the MBExC.

Computational modeling and advanced data analysis

Dr. Housen Li
Institute for Mathematical Stochastics
University of Göttingen[at]

Dr. Housen Li

We develop mathematical, statistical and computational tools relevant to MBExC and collaborate to apply them with MBExC research groups. Providing state of the art techniques of modern data analysis for high dimensional and complex data tailored to the needs of experimental research groups in MBExC is a major task. These include imaging techniques relevant to magnetic resonance imaging and super resolution microscopy and versatile methods of mathematical modeling and for the analysis of data from electrophysiology, gene expression and protein assembly.

Electron microscopy

Dr. Tat Cheng
Institute of Neuropathology
University Medical Center Göttingen

Dr. Tat Cheng

In addition to my research program in terms of cryo-FIB/ET method development I oversee the operation of the electron microscopes, maintain optimal performance of the systems, train users and run collaborations within the MBExC. I also participate in the educational program of the Hertha Sponer College of MBExC.


Dr. Thomas Mager
Institute for Auditory Neuroscience
University Medical Center Göttingen

Dr. Thomas Mager

Our research focus on the development of advanced optogenes by genetic engineering approaches in conjunction with biophysical investigations. Assisting the implementation of optical stimulation technology and introducing state of the art optogenes into excitable cells by the use of appropriate vectors are major tasks, also involving international collaborators. The use of optogenetic approaches within MBExC is facilitated by organizing lecture series, teaching activities and networking between interdisciplinary groups.

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Stem cells & organoids

Dr. Maria-Patapia Zafeiriou
Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology
University Medical Center Göttingen

Dr. Maria-Patapia Zafeiriou

Our research focus is the interaction of excitable cells under physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions (mainly brain and heart). Thus, we develop self-organizing, 3-dimensional excitable cell networks of cardiovascular, central and peripheral nervous system nature from human iPSCs. Genome editing enables the generation of novel iPSC models by introducing mutations or optogenetic sensors and actuators in standard iPSC lines from healthy volunteers or repair genomic defects in iPSCs from patients. Bioengineered Neuronal Organoid (BENO) and Engineered Human Myocardium (EHM) models derived from iPSCs are invaluable for all research alliances of the cluster. Standardized qualitative and quantitative analyses of electrically excitable cellular networks (network function and plasticity in BENOs, contractility in EHMs and electrical conduction in both). We ensure the versatile and broad use of iPSC models by the cluster through provision of models but also by training of researchers to enable the transfer of a specific application of the iPSC technologies to individual laboratories at the Göttingen Campus.

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