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Join the Hertha Sponer College

The Hertha Sponer College targets excellent B.Sc., M.Sc., and MD students, as well as early career researchers including doctoral researchers and MD-track doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers, and research-oriented clinical residents. Candidates with a strong interest in performing research at the interface of natural sciences and biomedicine in the scope of MBExC research are highly encouraged to apply for becoming a member of the Hertha Sponer College.
Application procedure
Hertha Sponer College - Fellowships
Stimulator Funds
Hertha-Sponer-College - Join us
The collaborative environment fostered by HSC has been a tremendous asset. I initiated a successful collaboration with a colleague within the college, resulting in mutually beneficial outcomes. This collaborative spirit has not only expanded my professional network but has also enriched the quality of my work."

- Quotation of a postdoc/clinician scientist -

Application & Admission

Application and admission to the Hertha Sponer College is a two-step process.
In the first step, candidates are asked to submit their application documents including a letter of motivation and CV accompanied by a recommendation statement of a MBExC member. Upon preselection, suitable candidates are invited for a personal interview in the second step. Applications are possible once per year in spring time - please view our current announcements. Exception: MD-students have the option to apply any time.

Recommendation Statement

Only applications handed in together with a meaningful Letter of Recommendation of a MBExC member will be considered for the further selection process.

Letter of Motivation

Applicants should explain their motivation to become a HSC collegian (no more than three pages). Undergraduate MD students: documentation of strong foundations in physics or mathematics e.g. by successful participation in advanced placement courses and/or in competitions for high-school students would be advantageous.

CV & Track Record

Candidates are asked to hand in their up-to-date CV. Early career researchers should document their experiences in interdisciplinary research by including an overview about publications, relevant prizes and awards.

Please submit your application electronically in form of one single PDF file to heike.conrad[at]med.uni-goettingen.de.

Personal Interview

The final selection will be made upon a personal interview with the most promising candidates and members of the Hertha Sponer College Board, taking gender equality and diversity into account.
Memberships automatically end after reaching the next career level or with the end of a contract. Collegians are asked to submit a short feedback report summarizing their experiences and success. Re-evaluation is possible upon application to the Hertha Sponer College Board, depending on the collegian’s field of study, interest, and performance in research and courses.

Hertha Sponer College - Fellowships

We aim to promote early career researchers on their way towards early independence. In addition to measures provided for all Hertha Sponer College members, the MBExC therefore additionally offers fellowship positions for excellent postdocs and residents. Please check our "open positions" seciton for new advertisements of vacant positions as Clinician Scientist or Junior Fellow.

Clinician Scientists
We financially support the release from your clinical obligations for a minimum of 12 months to fully concentrate on an own research project in the scope of MBExC research. Clinician Scientists have access to the courses & workshops of the local clinician scientist programs at the University Medical Center, and thus have the opportunity to expand networking with other clinician scientists.
Junior Fellows
Within the basic scientist track, MBExC offers Junior Fellow positions for promising postdoctoral researchers to accelerate their way towards independence. Funding covers the candidate’s own position and limited startup funds for equipment, personnel and consumables according to the needs of the project.

HSC Instructors

Established scientists with a specific MBExC relevant technical expertise temporarily support teaching within the Hertha Sponer College. HSC instructors who have been nominated by a PI introduce themselves with a rough course concept, and are admitted for at first two years by the HSC board, if there is sufficient interest on the part of the collegians. During their membership, HSC instructors benefit from gaining teaching experience in a very heterogeneous group, access to resources of the college, and their association with the MBExC.

Stimulator Funds

Members of the Hertha Sponer College have the opportunity to apply for stimulator funds: i) excellent students may obtain a student assistant position to gain insights into a creative and interdisciplinary research environment at MBExC. ii) PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers and Clinician Scientists have the opportunity to advance own project ideas by acquisition of a student assistant position for up to 12 months or for consumable funding.