A central pillar of our efforts is the development and application of techniques that enable scientists to model heart and brain tissues theoretically and interrogate these systems experimentally. Within the cluster of excellence, we enormously benefit from the multidisciplinarity and the cross-fertilization between groups of different backgrounds and interests.
Therefore, this line of research was established to facilitate the interaction between the methods developers and the users: instruments are developed to empower biologists to do novel experiments while new methods can be readily applied and tested in labs and clinics.
We strive to cover a broad range of scales, from single molecules to large, intact tissues. We rely on our broad expertise in areas such as electron microscopy, X-ray tomography, fluorescence nanoscopy, light sheet microscopy, optical projection tomography, tissue clearing, and optogenetics.
For example, novel, cutting-edge microscopy techniques are developed to enhance the resolution in fluorescence microscopy, to peer deeper into living tissues or to resolve protein structures at the molecular level. As our primary focus is on cardiac and neuronal tissues, techniques that offer high temporal or high spatial resolution across large volumes are particularly interesting in both fields. Theoretical and computational methods, such as molecular dynamics simulations, image processing, neural networks, and information processing, complement our efforts on the experimental side.
Prof. Dr. Jan Huisken
Humboldt Professor of Multiscale Biology
University of Göttingen
Robert-Koch-Str. 40
37075 Göttingen
Prof. Dr. Sarah Köster
Georg-August-University Göttingen
Institute for X-Ray Physics
Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1
37077 Göttingen