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MBExC Public Event
Optogenetics Meeting
Line of Research / Research Alliance Meetings
Optogenetics Club Lecture
MBExC Ringvorlesung
MBExC Lecture
Microscopy Workshop
Hertha Sponer College Lecture
Chalk Talks
Microscopy Club Lecture
Hertha Sponer College - Advanced Methods Workshop
Hertha Sponer College Seminar
Conference (external)
EM Symposium
Xray Symposium
Optogenetics Club
MBExC Special Lecture
Hertha Sponer College Retreat
event speaker
Tobias Moser
Vladan Rankovic
Rubén Fernández-Busnadiego
Peter Rehling
Antonio Martinez-Sanchez
Han Chen
Hauke Hillen
Housen Li
Julia Preobraschenski
Jörg Wegener
Ricarda Richter-Dennerlein
Sarah Köster
Stefan Stoldt
Thomas Oertner
Tiago Outeiro
Tim Salditt
Event Tag
Cell biology
Cryo-electron tomography
Cell biology
Cryo-electron tomography
Past and Future Events
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february 2025
Event Details
Omer Revah from the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agricultural, Food & Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Event Details
Omer Revah from the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agricultural, Food & Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem will held a talk about “Using stem cells to build a model of the human cortex in vivo” during the MBExC Lecture on 13 February, 2025 at 1 p.m. at the lecture hall, MPI-NAT City Campus, Hermann-Rein-Str. 3, 37075 Göttingen.
Stem cell-derived brain organoids offer new opportunities to model human brain development and disease. However, one major drawback of these tissue cultures is that they invariably fail to properly mature when maintained in vitro. This talk will focus on our recent studies demonstrating that cortical organoid transplantation into newborn rats can be used to model late stages of human cortical development. It will show that human cortical organoids transplanted into the brain of newborn rats display advanced transcriptional, morphological and functional properties, which resemble those of postnatal human cells, and that advanced maturation enables discovery of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD)-associated neuronal phenotypes. I will also show a novel graft platform which contains both excitatory and inhibitory populations, enabling the study of complex human cortical circuit-level electrophysiology in NDDs. Finally, I will discuss how these platforms offer new opportunities to test gene therapies in an in vivo context.
Host: Dr. Maria-Patapia Zafeiriou, University Medical Center Göttingen
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Gemma Vilahur, Ph.D, FESC from the Research Institute Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain will held a
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Gemma Vilahur, Ph.D, FESC from the Research Institute Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain will held a talk about “Novel concepts in cardioprotection and ischemic heart disease: from pathophysiology to treatment” during the MBExC Lecture on 27 February, 2025 at 1:00 p.m.
Ischemic heart disease remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally, and the extent of myocardial infarction significantly influences the progression to heart failure. Currently, there is not therapeutic strategy available in the clinical setting able to limit infarct size. Consequently, extensive research has focused on identifying novel targets and developing innovative cardioprotective strategies to reduce cardiac damage and improve patient outcomes.
Recent advances in understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms behind myocardial infarction have led to new concepts in cardioprotection. Metabolic disturbances can heighten myocardial vulnerability during ischemic events and reduce the effectiveness of traditional treatments. A deeper exploration of how metabolic alterations impact cardioprotection has opened avenues for targeted interventions. Exploring the intricate relationship between comorbidities and cardiovascular health is crucial for crafting personalized cardioprotective strategies tailored to the patient’s needs.
Finally, beyond investigating new pharmacological targets, recent developments in therapeutic approaches—including pharmacological repositioning and lifestyle modifications—show promise for enhancing outcomes in patients with multiple health challenges. These strategies aim not only to boost cardioprotection but also to foster overall cardiovascular health, ultimately contributing to better long-term prognoses for individuals at risk of ischemic heart disease.
Host: Prof. Dr. Niels Voigt, University Medical Center Göttingen
march 2025
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The Hertha Sponer College Lecture Series is addressed to interested students, PhD candidates, postdocs, and PIs. The overall idea is to fundamentally explain research by providing an
Event Details
The Hertha Sponer College Lecture Series is addressed to interested students, PhD candidates, postdocs, and PIs. The overall idea is to fundamentally explain research by providing an overview about the general aims of the six MBExC Research Alliances with special focus on the specific techniques that are developed and applied. The lectures take place on Tuesdays at 5 pm within the semester term, and are offered by MBExC PIs. Subsequent to lecture and discussion, Hertha Sponer College members have the opportunity to “Meet-the-PI” and each other for asking more specific or general questions, networking and socializing.
Hertha Sponer College
april 2025
Event Details
Host: Jörg Enderlein (U GOE), MBExC Local organizer: Alexander Egner (IFNANO) Speaker: Prof. Guillermo Pedro Acuna, Photonic
Event Details
Host: Jörg Enderlein (U GOE), MBExC
Local organizer: Alexander Egner (IFNANO)
Speaker: Prof. Guillermo Pedro Acuna, Photonic Nanosystems, University of Fribourg
Developments in low-cost microscopy have accelerated greatly in recent years due to the technological advances of modern smartphones. Among different features, these devices have image sensors with more pixels, better quantum efficiencies, better optics design for light collection, and larger focal distances in different lenses of multi-camera smartphones. Distinct aspects of smartphones, i.e., portability and compactness, have also pushed forward the development of specific smartphone-based setups useful in Point-Of-Care (POC) applications like clinical diagnostics, quantification of immunoassays, detection of bacteria, cancer cytology, fresh tissue imaging, lead and microplastics quantification. While most of these applications used optical setups designed for fluorescence imaging, only a few of them focused on the detection of single molecule fluorescence.
Here, we developed a portable and inexpensive smartphone-based fluorescence microscope that detects direct emission from single molecules. We tested its performance by analyzing single-molecule intensity traces with three smartphones. We also demonstrated that it can be used for super-resolution microscopy with a Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM), DNA-PAINT. The smartphone-based microscope we present is low-cost, portable, easy to use, and can virtually be used with any smartphone, making an impact on a truly broad audience.
may 2025
Event Details
The Hertha Sponer College Lecture Series is addressed to interested students, PhD candidates, postdocs, and PIs. The overall idea is to fundamentally explain research by providing an
Event Details
The Hertha Sponer College Lecture Series is addressed to interested students, PhD candidates, postdocs, and PIs. The overall idea is to fundamentally explain research by providing an overview about the general aims of the six MBExC Research Alliances with special focus on the specific techniques that are developed and applied. The lectures take place on Tuesdays at 5 pm within the semester term, and are offered by MBExC PIs. Subsequent to lecture and discussion, Hertha Sponer College members have the opportunity to “Meet-the-PI” and each other for asking more specific or general questions, networking and socializing.
Hertha Sponer College
Event Details
The 5th European Calcium Channel Conference will be held in Alpbach, Austria, May 26-30, 2025! Registration will open in December 2024: https://calciumchannel.eu/registration-and-housing-2025/ As the program develops all information will be
Event Details
The 5th European Calcium Channel Conference will be held in Alpbach, Austria, May 26-30, 2025! Registration will open in December 2024:
As the program develops all information will be made available at the meeting website https://calciumchannel.eu/ where you can also find information about the previous ECCCs, for example pictures of the ECCC 2022 (https://calciumchannel.eu/eccc-2022-gallery/).
The ECCC also aims to provide a platform for early career researchers, to discuss their research with the leaders in the field in a relaxed atmosphere. To this end we will dedicate presentation slots for ECRs and organize flash talk sessions. Also, a workshop, organized by the PhD program CavX (https://cavx.at/), will be offered to PhD students and early postdocs.
Quality budget accommodation will be available for ECRs.
Organizers: Gerald Obermair, Karl Landsteiner University, Krems; Thomas Gudermann, LMU Munich; Petronel Tuluc, University of Innsbruck; Marc Freichel, University of Heidelberg; Martin Biel, LMU Munich; Nadine Ortner, University of Innsbruck; Tobias Moser, University of Göttingen; Marta Campiglio, Medical University of Innsbruck; Jörg Striessnig, University of Innsbruck; Veit Flockerzi, Saarland University; Bernhard Flucher, Medical University of Innsbruck
june 2025
Event Details
Host: Jörg Enderlein (U GOE), MBExC Local organizer: Alexander Egner (IFNANO) Speaker: Maciej Wojtkowski, International Center for Translational Eye Research (ICTER)
Event Details
Host: Jörg Enderlein (U GOE), MBExC
Local organizer: Alexander Egner (IFNANO)
Speaker: Maciej Wojtkowski, International Center for Translational Eye Research (ICTER) and Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Spatio-temporal optical imaging – new method for in vivo imaging
In vivo optical microscopy with quality comparable to fixed samples remains challenging. We developed Spatio-Temporal Optical Coherence (STOC) Imaging, which dynamically adjusts spatial phase relationships in illuminating light to improve imaging quality. Applied to 3-D imaging as Spatio-Temporal Optical Coherence Tomography (STOC-T), this method uses hundreds of uncorrelated spectral interferograms to amplify ballistic photon signals while attenuating scattered photons. STOC-T provides fast, high-contrast imaging, maintaining high resolution at significant depths without repeated measurements. When applied to eye imaging, STOC-T supports functional imaging techniques like Optoretinography (ORG), which measures photoreceptor responses to light stimuli. We introduced Flicker Optoretinography (f-ORG) for measuring rapid optical path length changes under photopic conditions, achieving reproducible, single-nanometer sensitivity in light-adapted eyes. This approach enhances understanding of retinal responses and photopigment photoactivation processes.
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Prof. Dr. Walter Nickel from the Heidelberg University Biochemistry Center will held a talk about “Molecular mechanism and machinery driving unconventional
Event Details
Prof. Dr. Walter Nickel from the Heidelberg University Biochemistry Center will held a talk about “Molecular mechanism and machinery driving unconventional secretion of Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 from tumor cells” during the MBExC Lecture on 16 June, 2025 at the library of the Humboldtallee 23, room 1.122.
Host: Prof. Dr. Peter Rehling, University Medical Center Göttingen