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Hertha Sponer College

The educational concept of the Hertha Sponer College complements existing programs for structured education available on the Göttingen Campus in order to encourage students and early career researchers towards career options at the interface of natural sciences and biomedicine. The Hertha Sponer College program supports training in multiscale integrative research and career development. It comprises small-group research-oriented teaching through tailored scientific and advanced methods courses, lab rotations, transferable skill courses, networking opportunities and personalized mentoring.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Every individual should be able to pursue a career according to their talents, irrespective of gender, ethnical and national background, sexual orientation, religion, physical status, age, social background, and life situation. Diversity enriches the scientific environment by bringing in fresh ideas, new perspectives, and heterodox approaches. The MBExC strives to provide a diverse, inclusive, and anti-discriminatory research environment to foster top-level scientific talent. The active promotion of female scientists, and reconciliation of family and career for all members are central concerns. The MBExC, furthermore, recognizes the importance of diversity dimensions in research.Learn more...

Open Positions

We regularly announce offers for new positions and all careers levels.
If you are interested to join us, please view the MBExC job portal.


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