Harland LTG, Lohoff T, Koulena N, Pierson N, Pape C, Ameen F, Griffiths J, Theeuwes B, Wilson NK, Kreshuk A, Reik W, Nichols J, Cai L, Marioni JC, Gottgens B, Ghazanfar S
bioRxiv 2024.12.12.628063.
At the onset of murine gastrulation, pluripotent epiblast cells migrate through the primitive streak, generating mesodermal and endodermal precursors, while the ectoderm arises from the remaining epiblast. Together, these germ layers establish the body plan, defining major body axes and initiating organogenesis. Although comprehensive single cell transcriptional atlases of dissociated mouse embryos across embryonic stages have provided valuable insights during gastrulation, the spatial context for cell differentiation and tissue patterning remain underexplored. In this study, we employed spatial transcriptomics to measure gene expression in mouse embryos at E6.5 and E7.5 and integrated these datasets with previously published E8.5 spatial transcriptomics1 and a scRNA-seq2 atlas spanning E6.5 to E9.5. This approach resulted in a comprehensive spatiotemporal atlas, comprising over 150,000 cells with 88 refined cell type annotations as well as genome-wide transcriptional imputation during mouse gastrulation and early organogenesis. The atlas facilitates exploration of gene expression dynamics along anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axes at cell type, tissue, and organismal scales, revealing insights into mesodermal fate decisions within the primitive streak. Moreover, we developed a bioinformatics pipeline to project additional scRNA-seq datasets into a spatiotemporal framework and demonstrate its utility by analysing cardiovascular models of gastrulation3. To maximise impact, the atlas is publicly accessible via a user-friendly web portal empowering the wider developmental and stem cell biology communities to explore mechanisms of early mouse development in a spatiotemporal context.