Single neuron diversity supports area functional specialization along the visual cortical pathways


Feyerabend M, Pommer S, Jimenez-Sosa MS, Rachel J, Sunstrum JK, Preuss F, Mestern S, Hinkel R, Mietsch M, Viyajraghavan S, Everling S, Treue S, Arnsten AFT, Lewis DA, Wolf F, Murray J, Muller L, McCarroll S, Krienen F, Datta D, Jing Wang X, Tripathy S, Gonzalez-Burgos G, Inoue W, Neef A, Staiger JF,Martinez-Trujillo JC




bioRxiv 2024.12.13.628359.


Humans and other primates have specialized visual pathways composed of interconnected cortical areas. The input area V1 contains neurons that encode basic visual features, whereas downstream in the lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) neurons acquire tuning for novel complex feature associations. It has been assumed that each cortical area is composed of repeatable neuronal subtypes, and variations in synaptic strength and connectivity patterns underlie functional specialization. Here we test the hypothesis that diversity in the intrinsic make-up of single neurons contributes to area specialization along the visual pathways. We measured morphological and electrophysiological properties of single neurons in areas V1 and LPFC of marmosets. Excitatory neurons in LPFC were larger, less excitable, and fired broader spikes than V1 neurons. Some inhibitory fast spiking interneurons in the LPFC had longer axons and fired spikes with longer latencies and a more depolarized action potential trough than in V1. Intrinsic bursting was found in subpopulations of both excitatory and inhibitory LPFC but not V1 neurons. The latter may favour temporal summation of spikes and therefore enhanced synaptic plasticity in LPFC relative to V1. Our results show that specialization within the primate visual system permeates the most basic processing level, the single neuron.

