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Structural Basis of Lipid Membrane Binding by Human Ferlins

Authors Cretu C, Chernev A, Szabo CZK, Pena V, Urlaub H, Moser T, Preobraschenski J Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2025.01.25.634844. Abstract Ferlins, ancient membrane proteins with a unique architecture, are central to multiple essential, Ca2+-dependent vesicle fusion processes. Despite numerous functional studies and their link to burdening human diseases, a
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Gating of hair cell Ca2+ channels governs the activity of cochlear neurons

Authors Karagulyan N, Thirumalai A, Michanski S, Qi Y, Fang Q, Wang H, Ortner NJ, Striessnig J, Strenzke N, Wichmann C, Hua Y, Moser T Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2025.01.23.634330. Abstract Our sense of hearing processes sound intensities spanning six orders of magnitude. In the ear, postsynaptic spiral ganglion neurons
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Super-resolution microscopy of mitochondrial mRNAs

Authors Stoldt S, Maass F, Weber M, Dennerlein S, Ilgen P, Gaertner J, Canfes A, Schweighofer SV, Jans DC, Rehling P, Jakobs S Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2025.01.23.634455. Abstract Mitochondria contain their own DNA (mtDNA) and a dedicated gene expression machinery. As the mitochondrial dimensions are close to the diffraction
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Structures of the 26S proteasome in complex with the Hsp70 cochaperone Bag1 reveal a novel mechanism of ubiquitin-independent proteasomal degradation

Authors Maestro-Lopez M, Cheng TC, Muntaner J, Menendez M, Alonso M, Schweitzer A, Cuellar J, Valpuesta JM, Sakata E Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2025.01.22.633148. Abstract The 26S proteasome primarily degrades proteins marked by polyubiquitin chains. Although ubiquitin-independent pathways for proteasomal degradation exist, the mechanisms involved remain poorly understood. Bag1 links
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3D dynamic multiscale force and shape analysis of in-vivo elastic stress sensors

Authors Jimenez AJ, Isensee J, Hofemeier A, Krueger LJ, Wittkowski R, Golestanian R, Bittihn P, Betz T Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2025.01.22.633835. Abstract The measurement of stresses and forces at the tissue level has proven to be an indispensable tool for the understanding of complex biological phenomena such as cancer
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Single neuron diversity supports area functional specialization along the visual cortical pathways

Authors Feyerabend M, Pommer S, Jimenez-Sosa MS, Rachel J, Sunstrum JK, Preuss F, Mestern S, Hinkel R, Mietsch M, Viyajraghavan S, Everling S, Treue S, Arnsten AFT, Lewis DA, Wolf F, Murray J, Muller L, McCarroll S, Krienen F, Datta D, Jing Wang X, Tripathy S, Gonzalez-Burgos G, Inoue W,
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A Spatiotemporal Atlas of Mouse Gastrulation and Early Organogenesis to Explore Axial Patterning and Project In Vitro Models onto In Vivo Space

Authors Harland LTG, Lohoff T, Koulena N, Pierson N, Pape C, Ameen F, Griffiths J, Theeuwes B, Wilson NK, Kreshuk A, Reik W, Nichols J, Cai L, Marioni JC, Gottgens B, Ghazanfar S Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2024.12.12.628063. Abstract At the onset of murine gastrulation, pluripotent epiblast cells migrate through
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SynapseNet: Deep Learning for Automatic Synapse Reconstruction

Authors Muth S, Moschref F, Freckmann L, Mutschall S, Garcia-Plaza I, Bahr JN, Petrovic A, Do TT, Schwarze V, Archit A, Weyand K, Michanski S, Maus L, Imig C, Brose N, Wichmann C, Fernandez-Busnadiego R, Moser T, Rizzoli SO, Cooper BH, Pape C Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2024.12.02.626387. Abstract Electron
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Visual objects refine head direction coding

Authors Siegenthaler D, Denny H, Skromne Carrasco S, Mayer JL, Peyrache A, Trenholm S, Mace E Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2024.10.21.619417. Abstract Animals use visual objects to guide navigation-related behaviors, from hunting prey, to escaping predators, to exploring the world. However, little is known about where visual objects are encoded
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Lead as a toxic environmental toxicant in models of synucleinopathies

Authors Shvachiy L, Amaro-Leal A, Machado F, Rocha I, Geraldes V, Outeiro TF Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2024.10.10.617554. Abstract Lead, a toxic heavy metal, is prevalent in various industrial applications, contributing to environmental contamination and significant health concerns. Lead affects various body systems, especially the brain, causing long-lasting cognitive and
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