Mitochondrial Gene Expression

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Changes in m6A RNA methylation contribute to heart failure progression by modulating translation

Authors Berulava T, Buchholz E, Elerdashvili V, Pena T, Islam MR, Lbik D, Mohamed BA, Renner A, von Lewinski D, Sacherer M, Bohnsack KE, Bohnsack MT, Jain G, Capece V, Cleve N, Burkhardt S, Hasenfuss G, Fischer A, Toischer K Journal European Journal of Heart Failure Citation Eur J Heart
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Structural Basis of Poxvirus Transcription: Transcribing and Capping Vaccinia Complexes

Authors Hillen HS, Bartuli J, Grimm C, Dienemann C, Bedenk K, Szalay AA, Fischer U, Cramer P Journal Cell Citation Cell. 2019 Dec 12;179(7):1525-1536.e12. Abstract Poxviruses use virus-encoded multisubunit RNA polymerases (vRNAPs) and RNA-processing factors to generate m(7)G-capped mRNAs in the host cytoplasm. In the accompanying paper, we report structures
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Structural Basis of Poxvirus Transcription: Vaccinia RNA Polymerase Complexes

Authors Grimm C, Hillen HS, Bedenk K, Bartuli J, Neyer S, Zhang Q, Huttenhofer A, Erlacher M, Dienemann C, Schlosser A, Urlaub H, Bottcher B, Szalay AA, Cramer P, Fischer U Journal Cell Citation Cell. 2019 Dec 12;179(7):1537-1550.e19. Abstract Poxviruses encode a multisubunit DNA-dependent RNA polymerase (vRNAP) that carries out
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The recurrent postzygotic pathogenic variant p.Glu47Lys in RHOA causes a novel recognizable neuroectodermal phenotype

Authors Yigit G, Saida K, DeMarzo D, Miyake N, Fujita A, Yang Tan T, White SM, Wadley A, Toliat MR, Motameny S, Franitza M, Stutterd CA, Chong PF, Kira R, Sengoku T, Ogata K, Guillen Sacoto MJ, Fresen C, Beck, BB, Nurnberg P. Dieterich C, Wollnik B, Matsumoto N, Altmuller
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Autosomal-Recessive Mutations in MESD Cause Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Authors Moosa S, Yamamoto GL, Garbes L, Keupp K, Beleza-Meireles A, Moreno CA, Valadares ER, de Sousa SB, Maia S, Saraiva J, Honjo RS, Kim CA, Cabral de Menezes H, Lausch E, Lorini PV, Lamounier A Jr, Carniero TCB, Giunta C, Rohrbach M, Janner M, Semler O, Beleggia F, Li
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Live-cell STED nanoscopy of mitochondrial cristae

Authors Stephan T, Roesch A, Riedel D, Jakobs S Journal Scientific Reports Citation Sci Rep. 2019 Aug 27;9(1):12419. Abstract Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles that exhibit a complex inner architecture. They exhibit a smooth outer membrane and a highly convoluted inner membrane that forms invaginations called cristae. Imaging cristae in
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Molecular contribution function in RESOLFT nanoscopy

Authors Frahm L, Keller-Findeisen J, Alt P, Schnorrenberg S, Del Alamo Ruiz M, Aspelmeier T, Munk A, Jakobs S, Hell SW Journal Optics Express Citation Opt Express. 2019 Jul 22;27(15):21956-21987. Abstract BACKGROUND: The ultimate objective of a microscope of the highest resolution is to map the molecules of interest in
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Empirical optimal transport on countable metric spaces: Distributional limits and statistical applications

Authors Tameling C, Sommerfeld M, Munk A Journal Annals of Applied Probability Citation Ann. Appl. Probab. 29 (2019), no. 5, 2744–2781. Abstract We derive distributional limits for empirical transport distances between probability measures supported on countable sets. Our approach is based on sensitivity analysis of optimal values of infinite dimensional
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The codon sequences predict protein lifetimes and other parameters of the protein life cycle in the mouse brain

Authors Mandad S, Rahman RU, Centeno TP, Vidal RO, Wildhagen H, Rammner B, Keihani S, Opazo F, Urban I, Ischebeck T, Kirli K, Benito E, Fischer A, Yousefi RY, Dennerlein S, Rehling P, Feussner I, Urlaub H, Bonn S, Rizzoli SO, Fornasiero EF Journal Scientific Reports Citation Sci Rep. 2018
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