The Annals of Statistics

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Posterior analysis of n in the binomial (n,p) problem with both parameters unknown — with applications to quantitative nanoscopy

Authors Schmidt-Hieber J, Schneider LF, Staudt T, Krajina A, Aspelmeier T, Munk A Journal The Annals of Statistics Citation Ann. Statist. 49(6): 3534-3558 (December 2021). Abstract Estimation of the population size n from k i.i.d. binomial observations with unknown success probability p is relevant to a multitude of applications and
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What is resolution? A statistical minimax testing perspective on super-resolution microscopy

Authors Kulaitis G, Munk A, Werner F Journal The Annals of Statistic Citation Ann. Statist. 49(4): 2292-2312 (August 2021). Abstract As a general rule of thumb the resolution of a light microscope (i.e., the ability to discern objects) is predominantly described by the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of
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Frame-constrained Total Variation Regularization for White Noise Regression

Authors del Álamo M, Li H, Munk A Journal The Annals of Statistics Citation Ann. Statist. 49(3): 1318-1346 (June 2021). Abstract Despite the popularity and practical success of total variation (TV) regularization for function estimation, surprisingly little is known about its theoretical performance in a statistical setting. While TV regularization
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