Stadelmann-Nessler, Christine

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Proteomic analysis of the human hippocampus identifies neuronal pentraxin 1 (NPTX1) as synapto-axonal target in late-stage Parkinson’s disease

Authors Warth Perez Arias CC, Silbern I, Caldi Gomes L, Wartmann H, Dambeck V, Fanz J, Neuenroth L, Bähr M, Outeiro TF, Bonn S, Stadelmann-Nessler C, Rizzoli SO, Lenz C, Urlaub H, Lingor P Journal Journal of Neurochemistry Citation J Neurochem. 2023 Jul 28. Abstract Parkinson’s disease (PD) affects a
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Myelin insulation as a risk factor for axonal degeneration in autoimmune demyelinating disease

Authors Schäffner E, Bosch-Queralt M, Edgar JM, Lehning M, Strauß J, Fleischer N, Kungl T, Wieghofer P, Berghoff SA, Reinert T, Krueger M, Morawski M, Möbius W, Barrantes-Freer A, Stieler J, Sun T, Saher G, Schwab MH, Wrede C, Frosch M, Prinz M, Reich DS, Flügel A, Stadelmann C, Fledrich
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3d virtual histology reveals pathological alterations of cerebellar granule cells in multiple sclerosis

Authors Frost J, Schmitzer B, Töpperwien M, Eckermann M, Franz J, Stadelmann C, Salditt T Journal Neuroscience Citation Neuroscience. 2023 Apr 13:S0306-4522(23)00161-6. Abstract We investigate structural properties of neurons in the granular layer of human cerebellum with respect to their involvement in multiple sclerosis (MS). To this end we analyze
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Neuron-oligodendrocyte potassium shuttling at nodes of Ranvier protects against inflammatory demyelination

Authors Kapell H, Fazio L, Dyckow J, Schwarz S, Cruz-Herranz A, Mayer C, Campos J, D’Este E, Möbius W, Cordano C, Pröbstel AK, Gharagozloo M, Zulji A, Narayanan Naik V, Delank A, Cerina M, Müntefering T, Lerma-Martin C, Sonner JK, Sin JH, Disse P, Rychlik N, Sabeur K, Chavali M,
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Postmortem quantitative MRI disentangles histological lesion types in multiple sclerosis

Authors Galbusera R, Bahn E, Weigel M, Schaedelin S, Franz J, Lu PJ, Barakovic M, Melie-Garcia L, Dechent P, Lutti A, Sati P, Reich DS, Nair G, Brück W, Kappos L, Stadelmann C, Granziera C. Journal Brain Pathology Citation Brain Pathol. 2022 Dec 8:e13136. Abstract Quantitative MRI (qMRI) probes the
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The murine male reproductive organ at a glance: Three-dimensional insights and virtual histology using label-free light sheet microcopy

Authors Pinkert-Leetsch D, Rost JU, Schmiedeknecht MUH, Stadelmann C, Alves F, Missbach-Guentner J Journal Andrology Citation Andrology. 2022 Sep 8. Abstract Background: The unique anatomy of the male reproductive organ reflects its complex function from sperm maturation to their storage for months until emission. Since light microscopy in two dimensions
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Distinct roles of the meningeal layers in CNS autoimmunity

Authors Merlini A, Haberl M, Strauß J, Hildebrand L, Genc N, Franz J, Chilov D, Alitalo K, Flügel-Koch C, Stadelmann C, Flügel A, Odoardi F Journal Nature Neuroscience Citation Nat Neurosci. 2022 Jun 30. Abstract The meninges, comprising the leptomeninges (pia and arachnoid layers) and the pachymeninx (dura layer), participate
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Tissue-resident memory CD8+ T cells cooperate with CD4+ T cells to drive compartmentalized immunopathology in the CNS

Authors Vincenti I, Page N, Steinbach K, Yermanos A, Lemeille S, Nunez N, Kreutzfeldt M, Klimek B, Di Liberto G, Egervari K, Piccinno M, Shammas G, Mariotte A, Fonta N, Liaudet N, Shlesinger D, Liuzzi AR, Wagner I, Saadi C, Stadelmann C, Reddy S, Becher B, Merkler D Journal Science
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A new form of axonal pathology in a spinal model of neuromyelitis optica

Authors Herwerth M, Kenet S, Schifferer M, Winkler A, Weber M, Snaidero N, Wang M, Lohrberg M, Bennett JL, Stadelmann C, Hemmer B, Misgeld T Journal Brain Citation Brain, 2022;, awac079. Abstract Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is a chronic neuroinflammatory disease, which primarily targets astrocytes and often results in severe axon
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Three-dimensional virtual histology of the human hippocampus based on phase-contrast computed tomography

Authors Eckermann M, Schmitzer B, van der Meer F, Franz J, Hansen O, Stadelmann C, Salditt T Journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Citation Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A . 2021 Nov 30;118(48):e2113835118 Abstract We have studied the three-dimensional (3D) cytoarchitecture of the human hippocampus in
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