Susann Meyer

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The previously uncharacterized RnpM (YlxR) protein modulates the activity of ribonuclease P in Bacillus subtilis in vitro
Wicke D, Neumann P, Gößringer M, Chernev A, Davydov S, Poehlein A, Daniel R, Urlaub H, Hartmann RK, Ficner R, Stülke J
Detecting side effects of new drugs on the heart more efficiently
Scientists at the University Medical Center and the University of Göttingen have developed a new approach to keep intact heart tissue for about two weeks in culture for more efficient […]
Detecting side effects of new drugs on the heart more efficiently
Scientists at the University Medical Center and the University of Göttingen have developed a novel method to predict the side effects of new drugs and therapeutic approaches on the heart […]
Nedd4-2-dependent regulation of astrocytic Kir4.1 and Connexin43 controls neuronal network activity
Altas B, Rhee HJ, Ju A, Solís HC, Karaca S, Winchenbach J, Kaplan-Arabaci O, Schwark M, Ambrozkiewicz MC, Lee C, Spieth L, Wieser GL, Chaugule VK, Majoul I, Hassan MA, Goel R, Wojcik SM, Koganezawa N, Hanamura K, Rotin D, Pichler A, Mitkovski M, de Hoz L, Poulopoulos A, Urlaub H, Jahn O, Saher G, Brose N, Rhee J, Kawabe H
Evaluating the association of biallelic OGDHL variants with significant phenotypic heterogeneity
Lin SJ, Vona B, Lau T, Huang K, Zaki MS, Aldeen HS, Karimiani EG, Rocca C, Noureldeen MM, Saad AK, Petree C, Bartolomaeus T, Abou Jamra R, Zifarelli G, Gotkhindikar A, Wentzensen IM, Liao M, Cork EE, Varshney P, Hashemi N, Mohammadi MH, Rad A, Neira J, Toosi MB, Knopp C, Kurth I, Challman TD, Smith R, Abdalla A, Haaf T, Suri M, Joshi M, Chung WK, Moreno-De-Luca A, Houlden H, Maroofian R, Varshney GK
Most discriminative stimuli for functional cell type identification
Burg MF, Zenkel T, Vystrčilová M, Oesterle J, Höfling L, Willeke KF, Lause J, Müller S, Fahey PG, Ding Z, Restivo K, Sridhar S, Gollisch T, Berens P, Tolias AS, Euler T, Bethge M, Ecker AS