Susann Meyer

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Simultaneous assessment of lung morphology and respiratory motion in retrospectively gated in-vivo microCT of free breathing anesthetized mice
Dullin C, Svetlove A, Zschüntzsch J, Alves F
Cryo-electron tomography reveals enrichment and identifies microtubule lumenal particles in neuronal differentiation
Chakraborty S, Martinez-Sanchez A, Beck F, Toro-Nahuelpan M, Hwang IY, Noh KM, Baumeister W, Mahamid J
Functional and structural reverse myocardial remodeling following transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a prospective cardiovascular magnetic resonance study
Lange T, Backhaus SJ, Beuthner BE, Topci R, Rigorth KR, Kowallick JT, Evertz R, Schnelle M, Ravassa S, Díez J, Toischer K, Seidler T, Puls M, Hasenfuß G, Schuster A
GGPS1-associated muscular dystrophy with and without hearing loss
Kaiyrzhanov R, Perry L, Rocca C, Zaki MS, Hosny H, Araujo Martins Moreno C, Phadke R, Zaharieva I, Camelo Gontijo C, Beetz C, Pini V, Movahedinia M, Zanoteli E, DiTroia S, Vuillaumier-Barrot S, Isapof A, Mehrjardi MYV, Ghasemi N, Sarkozy A, Muntoni F, Whalen S, Vona B, Houlden H, Maroofian R
Using different geometries to modulate the cardiac fibroblast phenotype and the biomechanical properties of engineered connective tissues
Santos GL, DeGrave AN, Rehman A, Al Disi S, Xhaxho K, Schröder H, Bao G, Meyer T, Tiburcy M, Dworatzek E, Zimmermann WH, Lutz S
Restoring Hearing With Beams of Light
There’s a popular misconception that cochlear implants restore natural hearing. In fact, these marvels of engineering give people a new kind of “electric hearing” that they must learn how to […]