Susann Meyer

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Label-free imaging of age-related cardiac structural changes in non-human primates using multiphoton nonlinear microscopy
Khan A, Ramos-Gomes F, Markus A, Mietsch M, Hinkel R, Alves F
Loss of Mitochondrial Ca2+ Uniporter Limits Inotropic Reserve and Provides Trigger and Substrate for Arrhythmias in Barth Syndrome Cardiomyopathy
Bertero E, Nickel A, Kohlhaas M, Hohl M, Sequeira V, Brune C, Schwemmlein J, Abeßer M, Schuh K, Kutschka I, Carlein C, Münker K, Atighetchi S, Müller A, Kazakov A, Kappl R, von der Malsburg K, van der Laan M, Schiuma AF, Böhm M, Laufs U, Hoth M, Rehling P, Kuhn M, Dudek J, von der Malsburg A, Prates Roma L, Maack C
Researchers find warning signs for dementia in the blood
Researchers at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) have identified molecules in the blood that can indicate impending dementia. The biomarker described […]
A microRNA signature that correlates with cognition and is a target against cognitive decline
Islam MR, Kaurani L, Berulava T, Heilbronner U, Budde M, Centeno TP, Elerdashvili V, Zafieriou MP, Benito E, Sertel SM, Goldberg M, Senner F, Kalman JL, Burkhardt S, Oepen AS, Sakib MS, Kerimolgu C, Wirths O, Bickeböller H, Bartels C, Brosseron F, Buerger K, Cosma NC, Fliessbach K, Heneka MT, Janowitz D, Kilimann I, Kleinedam L, Laske C, Metzger CD, Munk MH, Perneczky R, Peters O, Priller J, Rauchmann BS, Roy N, Schneider A, Spottke A, Spruth EJ, Teipel S, Tscheuschler M, Wagner M, Wiltfang J, Düzel E, Jessen F; Delcode Study Group, Rizzoli SO, Zimmermann WH, Schulze TG, Falkai P, Sananbenesi F, Fischer A
Familial cleft tongue caused by a unique translation initiation codon variant in TP63
Schmidt J, Schreiber G, Altmüller J, Thiele H, Nürnberg P, Li Y, Kaulfuß S, Funke R, Wilken B, Yigit G, Wollnik B
Jan Huisken takes up Humboldt-Professorship
The MBExC warmly welcomes its new member Humboldt-Professor Dr. Jan Huisken! The co-founder of modern light-sheet microscopy and world leader in the field of multiscale imaging strengthens research at the […]