Susann Meyer

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Structural insights into human co-transcriptional capping
Garg G, Dienemann C, Farnung L, Schwarz J, Linden A, Urlaub H, Cramer P
Statistical analysis of random objects via metric measure Laplacians
Mordant G, Munk A
Patrick Cramer takes up office as Max Planck President
At the Plenary Assembly of the Max Planck Society in Göttingen on June 22, 2023, Martin Stratmann symbolically passed on the responsibility to his successor, MBExC member Patrick Cramer, by […]
Boosting of neural circuit chaos at the onset of collective oscillations
Palmigiano A, Engelken R, Wolf F
Molecular and cellular evidence for the impact of a hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-associated RAF1 variant on the structure and function of contractile machinery in bioartificial cardiac tissues
Nakhaei-Rad S, Haghighi F, Bazgir F, Dahlmann J, Busley AV, Buchholzer M, Kleemann K, Schänzer A, Borchardt A, Hahn A, Kötter S, Schanze D, Anand R, Funk F, Kronenbitter AV, Scheller J, Piekorz RP, Reichert AS, Volleth M, Wolf MJ, Cirstea IC, Gelb BD, Tartaglia M, Schmitt JP, Krüger M, Kutschka I, Cyganek L, Zenker M, Kensah G, Ahmadian MR
Null and missense mutations of ERI1 cause a recessive phenotypic dichotomy in humans
Guo L, Salian S, Xue JY, Rath N, Rousseau J, Kim H, Ehresmann S, Moosa S, Nakagawa N, Kuroda H, Clayton-Smith J, Wang J, Wang Z, Banka S, Jackson A, Zhang YM, Wei ZJ, Hüning I, Brunet T, Ohashi H, Thomas MF, Bupp C, Miyake N, Matsumoto N, Mendoza-Londono R, Costain G, Hahn G, Di Donato N, Yigit G, Yamada T, Nishimura G, Ansel KM, Wollnik B, Hrabě de Angelis M, Mégarbané A, Rosenfeld JA, Heissmeyer V, Ikegawa S, Campeau PM