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Better hearing with optical cochlear implants

Better hearing with optical cochlear implants

Imaging techniques enable decisive step toward development of novel hearing prostheses In cochlear implants background noises compromise the comprehension of speech. The teams of Tobias Moser and Tim Salditt (both MBExC) were now able to use combined imaging techniques of X-ray tomography and fluorescence microscopy to create detailed images of
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Otto Warburg Medal for Patrick Cramer

Otto Warburg Medal for Patrick Cramer

The German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology honors the Göttingen Max Planck Director and MBExC member Patrick Cramer with the Otto Warburg Medal. At the virtual event, he will present his latest results from corona research. Link to the MPI-BPC press release
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How synapses maintain their activity despite ageing

How synapses maintain their activity despite ageing

Scientists of the Göttingen Cluster of Excellence Multiscale Bioimaging (MBExC) and the Collaborative Research Center 1286, University Medical Center Göttingen and Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization uncover a link between protein turnover and synaptic activity. Published in Cell Reports. Link to the press release
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MINSTED resolves fluorescent molecules with resolution at the nanometer scale

MINSTED resolves fluorescent molecules with resolution at the nanometer scale

Scientists working with MBExC member Stefan Hell at the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen and the Heidelberg-based MPI for Medical Research have developed another light microscopy method, called MINSTED, which resolves fluorescently labeled details with molecular sharpness. With MINSTED, Nobel laureate Hell has come full circle.
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Two Max Planck Institutes in Göttingen become one

Two Max Planck Institutes in Göttingen become one

The Max Planck Institutes (MPI) for Biophysical Chemistry and for Experimental Medicine will merge. The decision-making bodies of the Max Planck Society (MPS) approved the plan submitted by the two institutes on March 12. Formally, both institutions will be closed and a new MPI will be founded, keeping the existing
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Register now for the Women’s Carrers and Networks 2021

Register now for the Women’s Carrers and Networks 2021

Until April 30th, 2021 you can register for the next virtual Women’s Careers and Networking symposium (WoCaNet 2021) taking place from the 27th to the 28th of the coming May. The aim of WoCaNet is to provide an interactive environment for young female scientists to find new possibilities and networking
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Jutta Gärtner successful with DZKJ satellite Göttingen

Jutta Gärtner successful with DZKJ satellite Göttingen

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has selected the University Medical Center Göttingen and other scientific partner institutions from Göttingen as new satellite location for the German Centre for Child and Adolescent Health (DZKJ). Prof. Dr. Jutta Gärtner, Director of the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, UMG
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A weak heart links to memory impairment

A weak heart links to memory impairment

Heart problems cause disturbed gene activity in the brain’s memory center, from which cognitive deficits arise. A team led by Prof. Dr. André Fischer (reserach group leader at the DZNE Göttingen site, Professor at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the UMG and MBExC member) and Prof. Dr. Karl
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Communitas Prize for Viola Priesemann

Communitas Prize for Viola Priesemann

The Max Planck Society honors the physicist and MBExC member Dr. Viola Priesemann for her science communication during the Corona pandemic, where she advises politicians, gives interviews, writes statements and publishes her scientific work in prestigious journals. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Viola Priesemann has been calculating scenarios of
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“Heart patch” made from stem cells enters world’s first clinical trial

“Heart patch” made from stem cells enters world’s first clinical trial

First application in humans: The BioVAT-HF-DZHK20 study intends to investigate the use of heart muscle tissue derived from stem cells for treatment of patients with severe heart failure. The incorporation of heart muscle tissue cultivated in the laboratory is intended to sustainably improve the pumping function of diseased hearts. The
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