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Filter-based models of suppression in retinal ganglion cells: comparison and generalization across species and stimuli

Authors Shahidi N, Rozenblit F, Khani MH, Schreyer HM, Mietsch M, Protti DA, Gollisch T Journal BioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2022.12.01.518577. Abstract The dichotomy of excitation and suppression is one of the canonical mechanisms explaining the complexity of the neural activity. Computational models of the interplay of excitation and suppression in
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Overarching control of autophagy and DNA damage response by CHD6 revealed by modeling a rare human pathology

Authors Kargapolova Y, Rehimi R, Kayserili H, Brühl J, Sofiadis K, Zirkel A, Palikyras S, Mizi A, Li Y, Yigit G, Hoischen A, Frank S, Russ N, Trautwein J, van Bon B, Gilissen C, Laugsch M, Gusmao EG, Josipovic N, Altmüller J, Nürnberg P, Längst G, Kaiser FJ, Watrin E,
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Super-resolution microscopy informs on the molecular architecture of alpha-synuclein inclusions in model systems and in the human brain

Authors Weish P, Lázaro DF, Palmares L, Santos PI, Stadelmann C, Höglinger GU, Rizzoli SO, Outeiro TF Journal bioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2021.04.25.441304. Abstract Lewy bodies (LBs) and Lewy neurites are pathological hallmarks of Parkinson’s disease and other progressive neurodegenerative disorders known as Lewy body diseases (LBD). These proteinaceous deposits are immunopositive
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Cryo-electron tomography of native Drosophila tissues vitrified by plunge freezing

Authors Baeuerlein FJB, Pastor-Pareja JC, Fernandez-Busnadiego R Journal bioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2021.04.14.437159. Abstract Cryo-focused ion beam (cryo-FIB) milling allows thinning vitrified cells for high resolution imaging by cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET). However, it remains challenging to apply this workflow to tissues, as they usually require high-pressure freezing for vitrification. Here we
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Sequence determinants of human gene regulatory elements

Authors Sahu B, Hartonen T, Pihlajamaa P, Wie B, Dave K, Zhu F, Kaasinen E, Lidschreiber K, Lidschreiber M, Daub CO, Cramer P, Kivioja T, Taipale J Journal bioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2021.03.18.435942. Abstract DNA determines where and when genes are expressed, but the full set of sequence determinants that control
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Three-dimensional beating dynamics of Chlamy- domonas flagella

Authors Mojiri S, Isbaner S, Mühle S, Jang H, Bae AJ, Gregor I, Golami A, Enderlein J Journal bioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2020.07.20.212159. Abstract Axonemes are the basic structure of motile cilia and flagella, and the investigation of how they function and move requires rapid three-dimensional imaging. We built a multi-plane
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Hearing restoration by a low-weight power-efficient multichannel optogenetic cochlear implant system

Authors Jablonski L, Harczos T, Wolf B, Hoch G, Dieter A, Hessler R, Ayub S, Ruther P, Moser T Journal bioRxiv Citation bioRxiv 2020.05.25.114868. Abstract In case of deafness, cochlear implants bypass dysfunctional or lost hair cells by direct electrical stimulation (eCIs) of the auditory nerve. However, spectral selectivity of
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