Stadelmann-Nessler, Christine

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Three-dimensional virtual histology of the cerebral cortex based on phase-contrast X-ray tomography

Authors Eckermann M, van der Meer F, Cloetens P, Ruhwedel T, Möbius W, Stadelmann C, Salditt T Journal Biomedical Optics Express Citation Biomed. Opt. Express 12, 7582-7598 (2021). Abstract In this work, we optimize the setups and experimental parameters of X-ray phase-contrast computed-tomography for the three-dimensional imaging of the cyto-
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Interferon-driven brain phenotype in a mouse model of RNaseT2 deficient leukoencephalopathy

Authors Kettwig M, Ternka K, Wendland K, Krüger DM, Zampar S, Schob C, Franz J, Aich A, Winkler A, Sakib MS, Kaurani L, Epple R, Werner HB, Hakroush S, Kitz J, Prinz M, Bartok E, Hartmann G, Schröder S, Rehling P, Henneke M, Boretius S, Alia A, Wirths O, Fischer
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Concurrent axon and myelin destruction differentiates X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy from multiple sclerosis

Authors Bergner CG, Genc N, Hametner S, Franz J, van der Meer F, Mitkovski M, Weber MS, Stoltenburg-Didinger G, Kühl JS, Köhler W, Brück W, Gärtner J, Stadelmann-Nessler C Journal Glia Citation Glia, 2021, 1-16. Abstract Cerebral disease manifestation occurs in about two thirds of males with X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (CALD)
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Lack of astrocytes hinders parenchymal oligodendrocyte precursor cells from reaching a myelinating state in osmolyte-induced demyelination

Authors Lohrberg M, Winkler A, Franz J, van der Meer F, Ruhwedel T, Sirmpilatze N, Dadarwal R, Handwerker R, Esser D, Wiegand K, Hagel C, Gocht A, König FB, Boretius S, Möbius W, Stadelmann C, Barrantes-Freer A Journal Acta Neuropathologica Communications Citation Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2020 Dec 24;8(1):224. Abstract Demyelinated
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Olfactory transmucosal SARS-CoV-2 invasion as port of central nervous system entry in individuals with COVID-19

Authors Meinhardt J, Radke J, Dittmayer C, Mothes R, Franz J, Laue M, Schneider J, Brünink S, Hassan O, Stenzel W, Windgassen M, Rößler L, Goebel HH, Martin H, Nitsche A, Schulz-Schaeffer WJ, Hakroush S, Winkler MS, Tampe B, Elezkurtaj S, Horst D, Oesterhelweg L, Tsokos M, Heppner BI, Stadelmann
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Neuropilin-1 facilitates SARS-CoV-2 cell entry and infectivity

Authors Cantuti-Castelvetri L, Ojha R, Pedro LD, Djannatian M, Franz J, Kuivanen S, van der Meer F, Kallio K, Kaya T, Anastasina M, Smura T, Levanov L, Szirovicza L, Tobi A, Kallio-Kokko H, Österlund P, Joensuu M, Meunier FA, Butcher SJ, Winkler MS, Mollenhauer B, Helenius A, Gokce O, Teesalu
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MOG-expressing teratoma followed by MOG-IgG-positive optic neuritis

Authors Wildemann B, Jarius S, Franz J, Ruprecht K, Reindl M, Stadelmann C Journal Acta Neuropathologica Citation Acta Neuropathol. 2020 Oct 19. Abstract no abstract available DOI 10.1007/s00401-020-02236-5 Pubmed Link  
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Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: from basic science to clinical translation

Authors Lubetzki C, Zalc B, Williams A, Stadelmann C, Stankoff B Journal The Lancet. Neurology Citation The Lancet. Neurology. 2020 Aug;19(8):678-688. Abstract The treatment of multiple sclerosis has been transformed by the successful development of immunotherapies that efficiently reduce disease activity and related clinical relapses during the relapsing-remitting phase of
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Molecular signature of slowly expanding lesions in progressive multiple sclerosis

Authors Jäckle K, Zeis T, Schaeren-Wiemers N, Junker A, van der Meer F, Kramann N, Stadelmann C, Brück W Journal Brain Citation Brain. 2020 Jul 1;143(7):2073-2088. Abstract Multiple sclerosis is an immune-mediated chronic inflammatory disease of the CNS that leads to demyelinated lesions in the grey and white matter. Inflammatory,
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Nanoscale x-ray holotomography of human brain tissue with phase retrieval based on multienergy recordings

Authors Robisch AL, Eckermann M, Topperwien M, van der Meer F, Stadelmann C, Salditt T Journal Journal of Medical Imaging Citation J Med Imaging (Bellingham) 2020 Jan;7(1). Abstract X-ray cone-beam holotomography of unstained tissue from the human central nervous system reveals details down to subcellular length scales. This visualization of
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