Möbius, Wiebke

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C1q is increased in cerebrospinal fluid-derived extracellular vesicles in Alzheimer’s disease: A multi-cohort proteomics and immuno-assay validation study

Authors Chatterjee M, Özdemir S, Kunadt M, Koel-Simmelink M, Boiten W, Piepkorn L, Pham TV, Chiasserini D, Piersma SR, Knol JC, Möbius W, Mollenhauer B, van der Flier WM, Jimenez CR, Teunissen CE, Jahn O, Schneider A Journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimers Association Citation Alzheimers Dement.
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Neuron-oligodendrocyte potassium shuttling at nodes of Ranvier protects against inflammatory demyelination

Authors Kapell H, Fazio L, Dyckow J, Schwarz S, Cruz-Herranz A, Mayer C, Campos J, D’Este E, Möbius W, Cordano C, Pröbstel AK, Gharagozloo M, Zulji A, Narayanan Naik V, Delank A, Cerina M, Müntefering T, Lerma-Martin C, Sonner JK, Sin JH, Disse P, Rychlik N, Sabeur K, Chavali M,
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Molecular Mechanisms Mediating the Transfer of Disease-Associated Proteins and Effects on Neuronal Activity

Authors Brás IC, Khani MH, Vasili E, Möbius W, Riedel D, Parfentev I, Gerhardt E, Fahlbusch C, Urlaub H, Zweckstetter M, Gollisch T, Outeiro TF Journal Journal of Parkinson’s Disease Citation J Parkinsons Dis. 2022;12(8):2397-2422. Abstract Background: Various cellular pathways have been implicated in the transfer of disease-related proteins between
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Focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy links pathological myelin outfoldings to axonal changes in mice lacking Plp1 or Mag

Authors Steyer AM, Buscham TJ, Lorenz C, Hümmert S, Eichel-Vogel MA, Schadt LC, Edgar JM, Köster S, Möbius W, Nave KA, Werner HB Journal Glia Citation Glia. 2022 Nov 10. Abstract Healthy myelin sheaths consist of multiple compacted membrane layers closely encasing the underlying axon. The ultrastructure of CNS myelin
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Mammalian oocytes store mRNAs in a mitochondria-associated membraneless compartment

Authors Cheng S, Altmeppen G, So C, Welp LM, Penir S, Ruhwedel T, Menelaou K, Harasimov K, Stützer A, Blayney M, Elder K, Möbius W, Urlaub H, Schuh M Journal Science Citation Oct 21;378(6617):eabq4835. Abstract Full-grown oocytes are transcriptionally silent and must stably maintain the messenger RNAs (mRNAs) needed for
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Stage-specific control of oligodendrocyte survival and morphogenesis by TDP-43

Authors Heo D, Ling JP, Molina-Castro GC, Langseth AJ, Waisman A, Nave KA, Möbius W, Wong PC, Bergles DE Journal Elife Citation eLife. 2022 Mar 21;11:e75230. Abstract Generation of oligodendrocytes in the adult brain enables both adaptive changes in neural circuits and regeneration of myelin sheaths destroyed by injury, disease,
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Doxorubicin induces cardiotoxicity in a pluripotent stem cell model of aggressive B cell lymphoma cancer patients

Authors Haupt LP, Rebs S, Maurer W, Hübscher D, Tiburcy M, Pabel S, Maus A, Köhne S, Tappu R, Haas J, Li Y, Sasse A, Santos CCX, Dressel R, Wojnowski L, Bunt G, Möbius W, Shah AM, Meder B, Wollnik B, Sossalla S, Hasenfuss G, Streckfuss-Bömeke K Journal Basic Research
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White matter integrity in mice requires continuous myelin synthesis at the inner tongue

Authors Meschkat M, Steyer AM, Weil MT, Kusch K, Jahn O, Piepkorn L, Agüi-Gonzalez P, Phan NTN, Ruhwedel T, Sadowski B, Rizzoli SO, Werner HB, Ehrenreich H, Nave KA, Möbius W Journal Nature Communications Citation Nat Commun. 2022 Mar 4;13(1):1163.  Abstract Myelin, the electrically insulating sheath on axons, undergoes dynamic
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Mechanism of spindle pole organization and instability in human oocytes

Authors So C, Menelaou K, Uraji J, Harasimov K, Steyer AM, Seres KB, Bucevičius J, Lukinavičius G, Möbius W, Sibold C, Tandler-Schneider A, Eckel H, Moltrecht R, Blayney M, Elder K, Schuh M Journal Science Citation Science. 2022 Feb 11;375(6581):eabj3944. Abstract Human oocytes are prone to assembling meiotic spindles with
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Three-dimensional virtual histology of the cerebral cortex based on phase-contrast X-ray tomography

Authors Eckermann M, van der Meer F, Cloetens P, Ruhwedel T, Möbius W, Stadelmann C, Salditt T Journal Biomedical Optics Express Citation Biomed. Opt. Express 12, 7582-7598 (2021). Abstract In this work, we optimize the setups and experimental parameters of X-ray phase-contrast computed-tomography for the three-dimensional imaging of the cyto-
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