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New biosensor detects cell-to-cell transmission of the Parkinson-associated protein α-Synuclein

New biosensor detects cell-to-cell transmission of the Parkinson-associated protein α-Synuclein

Scientists of the Cluster of Excellence Multiscale Bioimaging develop a new biosensor capable of detecting the transmission of human α-synuclein, a key protein associated to Parkinson’s disease. Published in Nature Communications. (umg/mbexc) Human alpha-synuclein (hαSyn) is a physiological protein that is primarily found in nerve cells, and is involved in
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Lighting array in the ear: First use of multi-channel cochlear implants with microscale light-emitting diodes

Lighting array in the ear: First use of multi-channel cochlear implants with microscale light-emitting diodes

A milestone in hearing research: Researchers at the University Medical Center Göttingen and the University of Freiburg combine for the first time gene therapy in the cochlea with optical cochlear implants to optogenetically activate the auditory pathway in gerbils. Published in EMBO Molecular Medicine. (umg/mbexc) Conventional hearing prostheses, so-called cochlear
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Coupled hair cells in the inner ear – „Together we are strong!“

Coupled hair cells in the inner ear – „Together we are strong!“

When we hear, the sensory hair cells in the cochlea of the inner ear transduce sound signals of a certain pitch and convert them for transmission to the brain. For the first time, scientists of the Göttingen Campus, the Cluster of Excellence “Multiscale Bioimaging” and the University College London have
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