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Intracellular softening and increased viscoelastic fluidity during division

Authors Hurst S, Vos BE, Brandt M, Betz T Journal Nature Physics Citation Nat. Phys. (2021). Abstract The life and death of an organism rely on correct cell division, which occurs through the process of mitosis. Although the biochemical signalling and morphogenetic processes during mitosis are well understood, the importance
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Munc13-1 is a Ca 2+-phospholipid-dependent vesicle priming hub that shapes synaptic short-term plasticity and enables sustained neurotransmission

Authors Lipstein N, Chang S, Lin KH, López-Murcia FJ, Neher E, Taschenberger H, Brose N Journal Neuron Citation Neuron. 2021 Oct 21:S0896-6273(21)00727-3. Abstract During ongoing presynaptic action potential (AP) firing, transmitter release is limited by the availability of release-ready synaptic vesicles (SVs). The rate of SV recruitment (SVR) to release
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Deep learning improves macromolecule identification in 3D cellular cryo-electron tomograms

Authors Moebel E, Martinez-Sanchez A, Lamm L, Righetto RD, Wietrzynski W, Albert S, Larivière D, Fourmentin E, Pfeffer S, Ortiz J, Baumeister W, Peng T, Engel BD, Kervrann C Journal Nature Methods Citation Nat Methods. 2021 Oct 21. Abstract Cryogenic electron tomography (cryo-ET) visualizes the 3D spatial distribution of macromolecules
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An in vitro system to silence mitochondrial gene expression

Authors Cruz-Zaragoza LD, Dennerlein S, Linden A, Yousefi R, Lavdovskaia E, Aich A, Falk RR, Gomkale R, Schöndorf T, Bohnsack MT, Richter-Dennerlein R, Urlaub H, Rehling P Journal Cell Citation Cell 2021 Oct 20. Abstract The human mitochondrial genome encodes thirteen core subunits of the oxidative phosphorylation system, and defects
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Label-free imaging of age-related cardiac structural changes in non-human primates using multiphoton nonlinear microscopy

Authors Khan A, Ramos-Gomes F, Markus A, Mietsch M, Hinkel R, Alves F Journal Biomedical Optics Express Citation Biomed. Opt. Express 12, 7009-7023 (2021). Abstract Heart failure is one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality. Both maturational abnormalities and age-associated cardiac pathologies contribute to heart failure. Imaging-based
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Loss of Mitochondrial Ca2+ Uniporter Limits Inotropic Reserve and Provides Trigger and Substrate for Arrhythmias in Barth Syndrome Cardiomyopathy

Authors Bertero E, Nickel A, Kohlhaas M, Hohl M, Sequeira V, Brune C, Schwemmlein J, Abeßer M, Schuh K, Kutschka I, Carlein C, Münker K, Atighetchi S, Müller A, Kazakov A, Kappl R, von der Malsburg K, van der Laan M, Schiuma AF, Böhm M, Laufs U, Hoth M, Rehling
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Bucky Ball Is a Novel Zebrafish Vasa ATPase Activator

Authors Perera RP, Shaikhqasem A, Rostam N, Dickmanns A, Ficner R, Tittmann K, Dosch R Journal Biomolecules Citation Biomolecules. 2021; 11(10):1507. Abstract Many multicellular organisms specify germ cells during early embryogenesis by the inheritance of ribonucleoprotein (RNP) granules known as germplasm. However, the role of complex interactions of RNP granules
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A microRNA signature that correlates with cognition and is a target against cognitive decline

Authors Islam MR, Kaurani L, Berulava T, Heilbronner U, Budde M, Centeno TP, Elerdashvili V, Zafieriou MP, Benito E, Sertel SM, Goldberg M, Senner F, Kalman JL, Burkhardt S, Oepen AS, Sakib MS, Kerimolgu C, Wirths O, Bickeböller H, Bartels C, Brosseron F, Buerger K, Cosma NC, Fliessbach K, Heneka
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Familial cleft tongue caused by a unique translation initiation codon variant in TP63

Authors Schmidt J, Schreiber G, Altmüller J, Thiele H, Nürnberg P, Li Y, Kaulfuß S, Funke R, Wilken B, Yigit G, Wollnik B Journal European Journal of Human Genetics Citation Eur J Hum Genet. 2021 Oct 11. Abstract Variants in transcription factor p63 have been linked to several autosomal dominantly
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Exercise as a model to identify microRNAs linked to human cognition: a role for microRNA-409 and microRNA-501

Authors Goldberg M, Islam MR, Kerimoglu C, Lancelin C, Gisa V, Burkhardt S, Krüger DM, Marquardt T, Malchow B, Schmitt A, Falkai P, Sananbenesi F, Fischer A Journal Translational Psychiatry Citation Transl Psychiatry. 2021 Oct 8;11(1):514. Abstract MicroRNAs have been linked to synaptic plasticity and memory function and are emerging
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