MBExC Lecture

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january, 2025

202508jan5:15 PM6:15 PMMBExC LecturePeptides in Action: Advancing Late-Stage Functionalization Techniques and Targeting RNA-Binding Proteins5:15 PM - 6:15 PM MN29, Tammannstr. 4Speaker:Dr. Peter 't Hart, Dortmund

Event Details

Dr. Peter ‘t Hart from the Chemical Genomics Centre, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Physiology and BioMedizinZentrum Dortmund will held a talk about “Peptides in Action: Advancing Late-Stage Functionalization Techniques and Targeting RNA-Binding Proteins” during the MBExC Lecture in cooperation with the OC Colloquium on 8 January, 2025 at 17:15 p.m. at the lecture hall MN29 (room no. E.1.111) at the Faculty of Chemistry, Tammannstr. 4, 37077 Göttingen.

Peptides are versatile ligands with the capacity to bind challenging targets with high affinity. In my presentation I will present an overview of different project in our group. In the first part I will discuss our work to streamline the introduction of unnatural amino acids into peptides by applying late-stage functionalization protocols. These methods use proteinogenic amino acids and convert them into varied unnatural amino acids by photochemical replacement of the functional group. In a second part of my talk I will discuss how we apply synthetic peptides to target RNA-binding proteins. In particular I will discuss our work on modulating the removal of poly(A) tails (deadenylation) from mRNA by targeting the CCR4-NOT complex subunit CNOT9. To do so, we developed a stabilized helical peptide that can block deadenylation in vitro. After further optimization steps, the cell premeability of the peptide was improved which allowed inhibition of deadenylation in HeLa cells.

Host: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nadja A. Simeth-Crespi, University of Göttingen

Poster of the talk:
