november, 2024
Event Details
Prof. Dr. med. Katrin Amunts and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Timo Dickscheid from the Institute of Neurosciences and Medicine, Research Center Juelich and Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf
Event Details
Prof. Dr. med. Katrin Amunts and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Timo Dickscheid from the Institute of Neurosciences and Medicine, Research Center Juelich and Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf will held a talk about “The Human Brain Atlas: concept, application and implementation” during the MBExC Lecture on 14 November, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
Studying the human brain requires to capture its structural and functional organization in a common spatial framework. Despite progress in imaging and mapping however, access to information of different scales and modalities for applications ranging from visual exploration to computational workflows remains a challenge. In this presentation, we introduce the concept of a multilevel human brain atlas which integrates reference templates at different spatial scales, complementary parcellation maps, and a broad selection of multimodal data resources. The atlas builds on probabilistic cytoarchitectonic maps as a well-defined reference parcellation which captures intersubject variability and provides precise boundaries for more than 200 cortical and subcortical regions. It integrates the BigBrain 3D model with the common MNI and freesurfer reference spaces to build a bridge from the macroscopic of the microscopic scales, and to provide appropriate level of detail for spatial anchoring of histological measurements. Multimodal data resources include cell and neurotransmitter receptor densities, fibre orientations, gene expressions and functional and structural connectivity from neuroimaging cohorts. The atlas is hosted as part of the European research infrastructure EBRAINS, and accessible through siibra, a software tool suite that provides streamlined access to all its contents. The tool suite includes a web-based 3D viewer and a Python library to support a broad range of use cases, including interactive and programmatic approaches. All tools and contents are freely available.
Host: Prof. Dr. Tim Salditt, University of Göttingen