Ribbon Synapses Seminar Series 2021

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may, 2021

202112may5:00 PM7:20 PMRibbon Synapses Seminar Series 20215:00 PM - 7:20 PM Online

Event Details

We would like to announce the upcoming Ribbon Synapses Seminar Series (RSSS) 2021, an online alternative to the long-running series of Ribbon Synapses Symposia (RSS). The RSS are specialized international conferences that have in the past been held in Göttingen, Germany.

This year’s RSSS is jointly organized by the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the Collaborative Research Center 889 „Cellular Mechanisms of Sensory Processing“. Owing to the pandemic-related travel difficulties it will be held online, aiming for a schedule of ~2-3 talks presented every ~2 weeks.

This seminar series aims to provide an online platform to not only bring together experts in the field, who will present and discuss novel data and provide a detailed overview of the current state of the art of ribbon synapse research, but additionally allow young scientists to present their work in form of a short talk.
Short talks are invited, please mail ed.negnitteog-inu.dem@988bfs to apply.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

5:00 PM Thomas Coate (Georgetown University, Washington, USA)
„Mechanisms of SGN wiring and firing during ribbon synapse development“

6:00 PM Angela Ballesteros (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA)
„Structural Relationship Between TMC1 and TMEM16 proteins“

5:20 PM Maria (Lania) E. Rubio (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
„Molecular Structure of Auditory Nerve Synapses in the Normal Hearing and in the Hearing Impaired“

Please visit www.rsss2021.uni-goettingen.de for registration and the latest version of the program (still developing).

For further information, please contact ed.negnitteog-inu.dem@988bfs

Click here for the poster of the RSSS 2021




Open Positions