Microscopy Club Lecture

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april, 2025

202503apr4:00 PM5:00 PMMicroscopy Club LectureDirect Single-Molecule detection and Super-resolution Microscopy with a low-cost and portable Smartphone-based setup4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Institut für Nanophotonik (IFNANO)Speaker:Prof. Guillermo Pedro Acuna, University of Fribourg

Event Details

Host: Jörg Enderlein (U GOE), MBExC
Local organizer: Alexander Egner (IFNANO)

Speaker: Prof. Guillermo Pedro Acuna, Photonic Nanosystems, University of Fribourg

Developments in low-cost microscopy have accelerated greatly in recent years due to the technological advances of modern smartphones. Among different features, these devices have image sensors with more pixels, better quantum efficiencies, better optics design for light collection, and larger focal distances in different lenses of multi-camera smartphones. Distinct aspects of smartphones, i.e., portability and compactness, have also pushed forward the development of specific smartphone-based setups useful in Point-Of-Care (POC) applications like clinical diagnostics, quantification of immunoassays, detection of bacteria, cancer cytology, fresh tissue imaging, lead and microplastics quantification. While most of these applications used optical setups designed for fluorescence imaging, only a few of them focused on the detection of single molecule fluorescence.
Here, we developed a portable and inexpensive smartphone-based fluorescence microscope that detects direct emission from single molecules. We tested its performance by analyzing single-molecule intensity traces with three smartphones. We also demonstrated that it can be used for super-resolution microscopy with a Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM), DNA-PAINT. The smartphone-based microscope we present is low-cost, portable, easy to use, and can virtually be used with any smartphone, making an impact on a truly broad audience.

Please find here the PDF of the announcement:




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