Focusing on the heart and brain together („Herz und Hirn gemeinsam im Fokus“) is the topic of the public lecture series organised by the University of Göttingen and the Lower Saxony Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Göttingen this winter semester. In the series, scientists of the Göttingen Cluster of Excellence “Multiscale Bioimaging: from Molecular Machines to Networks of Excitable Cells” (MBExC) give comprehensive insights into the unique research approach of the Cluster using their research results as examples. They present innovative technologies that often have their origins in Göttingen pioneering work and are being further developed at the MBExC, and show how precisely one can nowadays “look inside” the tissue and the cell – all these technologies provide unique insights into our heart and our brain.
Diseases of the heart and brain are among the most common causes of death worldwide. Some diseases even affect both organs. Although the heart and brain appear very different at first glance, their main electrically excitable cells have many things in common. Both use similar functional units that serve to excite the cells and through which they perform physiological services as part of active networks. Malfunctions of these nanometre-small units often lead to diseases. The goal of the Göttingen Cluster of Excellence is to understand these functional units of heart and nerve cells in order to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches and to answer socially relevant questions in heart and brain research.
All video recordings of the talks are available online on the MBExC YouTube channel as well as on the University of Göttingen YouTube channel.
Prof. Dr. Tobias Moser, UMG (Nov 07, 2023): Wie Hören funktioniert und in der Zukunft wieder hergestellt werden kann
Prof. Dr. Claudia Steinem, Uni Gö (Nov 14, 2023): Herz und Hirn: Welche Rolle spielt Calcium?
Prof. Dr. André Fischer, UMG, DZNE (Nov 21, 2023): Epigenetik und Gesundheit: Wie wir unsere Gene beeinflussen können!
Prof. Dr. Silvio Rizzoli, UMG (Nov 28, 2023): Die extrazelluläre Matrix: lebenswichtiger, aber kaum verstandener Bestandteil des Herzens und des Gehirns
Prof. Dr. Wolfram-Hubertus Zimmermann, UMG (Dec 5, 2023): Herzpflaster: Hilfe für ein schwaches Herz
Prof. Dr. Melina Schuh, MPI-NAT (Dec 12, 2023): Von der Erforschung der Eizelle bis zum Kinderwunsch
Prof. Dr. Valentin Nägerl, Uni Bordeaux (Dec 19, 2023): Nanokosmos im Gehirn: Dynamik und Mechanismen der Neuroplastizität
Prof. Dr. Tim Salditt, Uni Gö (Jan 9, 2024): Herz und Hirn im Röntgenblick: dreidimensionale Darstellung der Zytoarchitektur
Prof. Dr. Rubén Fernández-Busnadiego, UMG (Jan 16, 2024): New electron microscopy technologies to decipher the secrets of neurons
Prof. Dr. Niels Voigt, UMG (Jan 23, 2024): Herzbeben – Wenn das Herz außer Takt gerät…
Prof. Dr. Viola Priesemann, MPI-DS & Uni Gö (Jan 30, 2024): Lernen in Lebenden Netzwerken
Prof. Dr. Jan Huisken, Uni Gö (Febr 6, 2024): Ein Flamingo geht auf Reisen: Mit dem Lichtblattmikroskop biologische Entwicklungsprozesse entschlüsseln
Poster for the lecture series in the winter semester 2023/2024 (in German)
Link to the programme of the public lecture series