Neurons of the cochlear spiral ganglion transmit auditory input to the brainstem for further processing. Here, substructures of the neuronal cytoskeleton were labelled to visualize individual nerve fibers and cell bodies. Source: Cristian Setz, Christian Vogl, Tobias Moser, IAN, UMG, 2018.

Exhibition „Sinneswelten“ (World of Senses)

Since October 2020, fascinating enlargements of microscope images are presented in the exhibition „Sinneswelten“ (World of Senses) at the University Medical Center Göttingen. The gallery can be visited by patients, students and UMG employees, and is located between the main entrance and the Bettenhaus 1 . Due to the corona obligations, external visitors cannot enter the UMG building.

The exhibition „Sinneswelten” provides special insights into the wonderful world of senses at the cellular level of sensory cells and neurons from an artistic perspective. The displayed images are results of the daily work of the scientists at the Collaborative Research Center 889 (CRC889). They have been acquired with different microscopic techniques and show the beauty inside the sensory systems. Some images have been modified using different filters, others remained unchanged. This mix opens up a completely new and fascinating world, which the scientists want to share with the public.

Since 2011, scientists of the CRC 889 investigate sensory processing and the underlying cellular mechanisms. The network includes experts affiliated with different institutions all over the Göttingen Campus and supports close collaboration and lively scientific exchange.

The exhibition was realized by the CRC 889 in collaboration with the Cluster of Excellence “Multiscale Bioimaging: From Molecular Machines to Networks of Excitable Cells” (MBExC).

Please find the link to a video of the exhibition here and the pdf of the press release in English here .