Hertha Sponer College Advanced Methods Course

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september, 2021

202127sepAll Day01octHertha Sponer College Advanced Methods CourseHSC workshop: Induced pluripotent stem cell culture(All Day) Speaker:Supervisor: Dr. Maria Patapia Zafeiriou, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, UMG

Event Details

Experimental workshop: Induced pluripotent stem cell culture

In this experimental workshop of the Hertha Sponer College program, the participant will learn how to culture induced pluripotent stem cells in a feeder free environment. They will learn how to passage cells with mild EDTA solution and how to stain and assess cell pluripotency by flow cytometry analysis.

Monday, 27 September – Friday, 01 October 2021

Supervisor: Dr. Maria Patapia Zafeiriou, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, UMG


Hertha Sponer College