november, 2020
This is a repeating event05.11.2020 10:15 AM19.11.2020 10:15 AM
Event Details
Elementary Course on Basic Statistical Methods This lecture series intends to serve as an introduction to statistical data analysis, with emphasis on the data analysis methods that are useful
Event Details
Elementary Course on Basic Statistical Methods
This lecture series intends to serve as an introduction to statistical data analysis, with emphasis on the data analysis methods that are useful in labs related to the MBExC Cluster of Excellence. Topics will cover statistical paradoxes, graphical methods (including histograms, box plot, Q-Q plots, etc.), basic stat theory (e.g. multivariate normal distribution, Bayes theorem), regression, categorical data analysis, censoring and survival analysis. The required basic knowledge will also be provided in the lecture. Further topics, such as testing, ANOVA, time series, MCMC, clustering and classifications, etc. will be provided in a follow-up lecture series.
Continuous weekly lecture & exercises over 12 weeks:
Lectures: Wednesdays, 10:15 – 11:45 am (Start: 04. November 2020)
Supervisor: Dr. Housen Li, Institute of Mathematical Stochastics, UG
Hertha Sponer College