f.l.t.r. Prof. Madeja, Chairman EKFS Management Board; F. Mohrs, Lower Saxony's Minister Science & Culture; Prof. Brück, Dean Medical Faculty; Dr. Dangmann, Member EKFS Management Board; Prof. Moser, Auditory Neuroscience UMG. Photo: UMG/spförtner

Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Optogenetic Therapies approved

Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung (EKFS) supports new research center for optogenetic therapies with 37.4 million euros over ten years at the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG). The state of Lower Saxony is strongly supporting the establishment of the center and, together with the UMG, is holding out the prospect of up to 22.6 million euros in additional funding. In addition, the new research building with costs of 32.7 million euros will be included in the construction planning by the state of Lower Saxony. The aim of the center is to develop innovative treatment approaches for patients suffering from deafness, blindness, gastric paralysis or movement deficits. The center will be integrated into the University Medical Center Göttingen.

Link to the press release article