MIET-SMLM imaging of microtubules and clathrin pits in COS7 cells. Spectral splitting (inset image) allows efficient discrimination between two different targets and MIET imaging (right) provides height profiles with exceptionally high resolution. Photo: University of Göttingen

3D imaging with super resolution on the nanometre scale

Despite vast improvements in microscopy, there is still a remarkable gap between resolution in all three dimensions. A research team led by MBExC member Jörg Enderlein (University of Göttingen) together with researchers from the University of Würzburg and the Center for Cancer Research (USA), has investigated a technique for super-resolution imaging that combines the advantages of two different methods to achieve the same resolution in all three dimensions – “isotropic” resolution. The results have been published in the journal Science Advances.

Link to the press release of the University Göttingen (in German)